If you're looking to cancel or return your order, we're here to help! Generally we accept exchange, return or refund applications within 14 days from the date the item is delivered (subject to the order tracking record).

Note: If you have successfully paid for your order, you accept the following refund policy by default. 

Order Status RequirementsRefund Amount
Cancel orders within 48 hours (before dispatch)Apply within 48 hours100% order amount
Cancel orders within 48 hours (after dispatch)
Apply within 48 hours70% of the order amount 
Note: Contact to intercept the shipment—full refund for the successful interception, 30% deduction if failed
Cancel orders OVER 48 hours (before dispatch)
95% of the order amount (deduct 5% processing fee)
Dispatched but not signed (wrong shipping address)Package returned to our warehouse and pass quality inspection. 70% of the order amount (deduct 10% return shipping fee + 15% restocking fee + 5% processing fee)
Dispatched but not signed1. Reject the package upon arrival. 2. Package returned to our warehouse and pass quality inspection.70% of the order amount (deduct 10% return shipping fee + 15% restocking fee + 5% order processing fee)
Deliverd1. Initiate a refund within 14 days of receipt of the goods.
2. The package is unopened and Sealed, and the product is Unassembled. 3. The package is sent and the photos are approved.
80% of the order amount (deduct 15% warehouse restocking fee + 5% order processing fee)
Note: Customer is responsible for all freight charges.

For E-bikes Orders:

  • No returns after 14 days of receiving your order.
  • No returns of assembled product.
  • Customer pays shipping both ways (Original shipping cost is withheld from refund).
  • Subject to up to a 25% restocking fee (this is withheld from refund).
  • Ebikes/Bikes that have been Registered in the Buyer's Name officially CANNOT be returned.
  • No returns for small scratch or dirt, except in EXTREME cases of Breakage/Malfunction
  • Returned items for a replacement or refund must be unopend、unassembled and in the original packaging. ( products that were damaged due to improper handling/shipping will be deducted from your cost based on the damage situation of products. )
  • NOTE: Repair the bike yourself without the BuyBestGears'approval, the return process mentioned on the RETURN & REFUND POLICY page is not available for you.

Return Process

1.Reply to your order confirmation Email to request which products you would like to return.
2.The attachment provides picture/video proof: the packaging is unopened, the product is unassembled, the package surface is free of stains, watermarks, etc., and waiting for approval.
3.Provide the return tracking number (requires traceability ) and ship out within 10 days from return approval date.
4.After the warehouse inspection is passed, the refund will be made within 3 working days

1. All returns must be authorized within 14 days of receipt of shipment.
2. A 25% restocking fee will be assessed on returns. Please call to get a return authorization BEFORE you send back the items. Authorized returns MUST be shipped within 10 days from return approval date to our shipping address. Unauthorized returns will be refused. Customer is responsible for all freight charges on refused or re-consigned shipments.

Special Note About the Refunds

  • The processing time for the refunds is 1-2 business days after receiving the returned items. The refund time depends on the payment method.
  • PayPal refunds may take up to 48 hours.
  • Credit card refunds will take around 7-14 business days. The specific time depends on your credit card company and any intermediaries. 

Please feel free to contact us.

If you have other questions or concerns, please contact us

Send email

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Lankeleisi MG600 Plus 1000W Bafang Motore 26
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Lankeleisi MG600 Plus 1000W Bafang Motore 26" Fat Bike SUV E-Bike 48V 20Ah Batteria Samsung Sensore di Coppia

1.899,00 €
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Vakole CO20 Max 750W*2 Doppio Motore 20" Fat Bike Elettrica Pieghevole 20Ah Samsung Batteria Sensore di Coppia

1.599,00 €
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Lankeleisi RX800 Plus 1000W 20" Fat Bike Bici Elettrica a Sospensione Completa 960Wh Batteria SUV E-Bike

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1.599,00 €
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2.199,00 €
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Vakole SG20 250W 20" Fat Bike Bici Elettrica Cargo E-bike 48V 15.6Ah Batteria Samsung

1.199,00 €